Sunday, January 23, 2011

Robert Herman Mohr and Kathrine "Elsie" Mohr Trivia: Question 1

This blog was set up for the descendants of Robert Herman Mohr Sr and Kathrine "Elsie" (Schlueter) Mohr and to inform the descendants of the plans being made for this years' reunion.

From time to time  pictures and stories about our family will be posted here. If you have something you would like to share, please email them to

Now, a little trivia:  Does anyone know the date that Grandpa (Robert Sr) and Grandma Elsie were married? (No peeking!)

(I confess. I had to look it up.)

They were married on January 12, 1911 at Zion Lutheran Church. Early in their marriage they lived in Hancock where Grandpa (or Great Grandpa, depending on the reader) worked at Smokestead Elevator. Before long, they became farmers in Horton Twp, where they lived until 1950, when Grandpa died on October 23rd. Grandma continued to live on the farm for five years before moving to Ortonville, MN (that means she was 65 years old . . . when most people are retired) to work. In 1965 she moved to Morris.

Robert Herman Mohr Sr
Kathrine "Elsie" (Schlueter) Mohr

Reportedly, Grandma Elsie's waist size on her wedding day was 18 inches! Now that's something!

STORYTIME: Marladene Mohr (Robert and Aileen) remembers as a child spending summers on Grandma and Grandpa's farm. She recalled that Grandpa was a very hardworking farmer. Marladene also remembers a time when she and Dick Siebrecht (Marvin and Margaret) were given the task of collecting eggs from the hen house. As children will do they made a game of it and started tossing the eggs, breaking them. Understandably, Grandpa was not very happy with them! Those of you who are grandparents may have experienced similar times with your own grandchildren!

SAVE THE DATE:  Sunday, June 26, 2011, Pomme de Terre City Park, Morris, Potluck lunch at noon! Roast beef is on the menu! Followed by an afternoon of games and activities for kids of ALL ages! Hope to see you there!

2011 Mohr Family Reunion being brought to you by Bob's Brats (aka The Dirty Dozen)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The planning has begun

Bob Mohr's Brats are planning the 2011 Mohr Family Reunion. Descendants of Robert Herman Mohr Sr and Kathrine "Elsie" (Schlueter) Mohr will gather together on Sunday, June 26, 2011 at the Pomme de Terre City Park, Morris, MN, to celebrate our heritage. There will be a potluck meal at 12 (noon). Roast beef is being provided by The Brats. There will be games and activities for kids of all ages. Start practicing your Smear. Watch the mail for your invitation!